Welcome to the blog where we discuss everything AJW Sports Therapy and all the latest research in the sport and fitness world!

Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

What is Sports Therapy? How can it help you?

Sports therapy is a small area of healthcare that focuses on the prevention of injury as well as the rehabilitation back to optimum levels of function and sport specific fitness.

There are loads of reasons you should see a sports therapist to help with your daily life. You don't have to be a gym freak or an elite athlete to see the benefits and if you are struggling with any of the following or want to improve, we can help.

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Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

Let’s Get Moving!

It's that time of the year where we all look and set New Year's resolutions, in which a lot of us look to improve our physical fitness. Especially in the current climate, where we are going through something we never imagined, getting moving and improving our physical fitness is something a lot of people are going to strive to do over the next few months.

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Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

Road to recovery

Concussion recovery is extremely varied from person to person much like the symptom presentation that occurs therefore whilst there is a protocol to follow, it is important to understand that we are individuals and that everyone’s recovery should be overseen by a medical professional.

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Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

Now offering - Myofascial Dry Cupping

I am pleased to say that once I reopen (on the 3rd of December) I will be offering dry cupping as not only a stand alone treatment option but also included in my sport therapy sessions.

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Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

The who, what and where of concussions.

Concussion is one of the most common injuries in the average population, occurring in both sport and work environments. But how much do you know about them and have you ever had one?

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Amy Waghorn Amy Waghorn

Introducing me…

I guess I should start this blog by introducing myself to you guys and explain how and why I am where I am now. Where to start is something I always struggle with when trying to write anything down, but I guess the beginning is a good place to start.

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